At Conan’s Academy, we offer one of the finest self-defense programs for children, teens and adults.
Karate Helps with:
- Concentration
- Coordination
- Discipline
- Self-Esteem and Confidence
- Stress Relief
Karate System
Conan’s self-defense system combines two martial art systems; American Tae Kwon Do and Chuk Kune Do (Chuck Norris System). This system is an Aggressive style of self-defense.
What You Will Learn:
- Kicking
- Punching
- Blocking
- Grabs
- Throws
- Take-downs
- Traditional Katas (predetermined moves to help coordination, focus, concentration and discipline)
- One step and three step techniques (movements used in street fight situations)
Belt Rankings (Degree)
Conan’s Academy has a belt ranking system of white to black belt. It will take an average of four years to achieve a black belt (with enough practice, it is possible to achieve a black belt sooner). Conan’s Academy takes great pride in our self-defense program. Upon receiving a black belt you will know not only how to defend yourself, you will also know you have earned it. Conan’s will not give a black belt for simply putting in the time or paying for it.
American Tae Kwon Do Class Schedules: (Click Here To See The Entire Class Schedule List)
Adult Classes
Tuesday & Thursday: 6pm
Kids Classes (5yrs to 11 yrs)
Tuesday & Thursday: 5pm
Monday & Wednesday: 6pm